Investor and Grant listings
Cheewid has accumulated a list of investors and grants from around the world who supports social impact projects.
About this Listings
This list collates information of past and present grant opportunities from both local and international organizations. It contains the grant name, the organization, link to the grant details, the deadline (both past and future) and the maximum amount the grant offers. The aim of this grant list is to provide an overview of what organizations provide grant opportunities, what area of specialty they often focus on, the timeline of their grants each year and frequent requirements and conditions that appear in applying for a grant. Please view the information and utilize this at your own discretion, with note that some information may be outdated as of 2021.
Know other organizations that are not in the list?
Please contact us if you want to contribute more hospitals and covid-19 relief organization into this list or if you want to know our references.
Other Resources
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